The union has noted a sharp increase in the number of thefts from agricultural land.
In a statement their President, Eliado Aniorte, said the thefts are causing ‘serious losses’ to farmers in the province and warned of the risks of somebody getting hurt.
‘Farmers are being forced to sleep in their own ‘fincas’ to protect their produce, while others have contracted security companies to patrol the crops’.
He said there had been cases where entire harvests of as much as 20 tons have been taken, showing that the thieves are real professionals, who know perfectly what they are doing, and the local land, as well as the value of what they are taking.
As a result the speed of harvest was being increased whenever possible.
Aniorte estimated the value of crops taken over recent months as over 200,000 € in the areas of San Miguel de Salinas, Orihuela and Abanilla in Murcia, dedicated to artichoke production."
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