The Brugal corruption case in Alicante has revealed the use of privileged information in the city, with the case summary revealing conversations between the businessman Enrique Ortiz and the current Mayor of the city, Sonia Castedo. At the time of the conversations she was the Councillor for Town Planning and was discussing 120 million € worth of business for Ortiz depending on the new PGOU Urban Plan.
The case summary also reveals conversations between Ortiz and the previous PP Mayor, Luis Díaz Alperi and other PP politicians.
Police think that Ortiz also made fake rental contracts on his yacht, and that he could have changed the registration number of the craft. It seems he rented the ‘Elena’ to a group of Russians for 108,000 €, 50,000 of which was without IVA/VAT.
Contracts to rent the yacht to Sedesa company are indicated. The firm belongs to a nephew of the regional vice president, Juan Cotino.