Possible January trial for juvenile charged in Marta del Castillo case: "juvenile charged in the Marta del Castillo case is to be tried for his alleged part in her rape and death at the end of next January, Canal Sur Radio reports. It will then have been two years since Marta was last seen alive.
As is stipulated by the Juvenile Law, Javier G.M., known as El Cuco, will take the stand behind closed doors, and it’s understood from Canal Sur that his trial will take place at the provincial court in Sevilla, rather than in the juvenile court.
Seventy four witnesses are called to give evidence in the case. Amongst them are the four adults who are charged in the case, including Marta’s ex boyfriend and her self-confessed murderer, Miguel Carcaño. The three others are Carcaño’s older brother, Francisco Javier Delgado, his girlfriend, María García, and Samuel Benítez."
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