Ex-Mexican Mafia general tells how 2 snitches were killed: "Texas Mexican Mafia nearly obliterated the criminal organization's San Antonio leadership in 2004, it created a power vacuum that led to Joe “Pancho” Pena's ascendancy to “general.”
One of Pena's first acts as leader of local operations was to organize the slayings of two informants who had made the roundup of 28 mafia members possible, the leader-turned-witness told a federal jury Friday.
“Is there any way someone can be a member of the mafia and not be squeamish about killing?” U.S. Attorney Joey Contreras asked Pena.
“No,” he responded matter-of-factly, explaining the gang's constitution has only one resolution for those who betray the organization. “The green light: death.”
Pena is so far the highest-ranking former mafia member to testify in the racketeering trial of three men who have been described as the new leadership that emerged following the 2004 roundup."