Rapist of British girl gets two year prison sentence


22 year old Bolivian man, Hernán Jesús V.A. has been given a two year prison sentence for the rape of a British woman on January 27 2007. The Murcia provincial court also ruled that he must compensate the victim with 12,000 €. Hernán Jesús admitted his guilt to the court which must now decide whether to replace the two year prison sentence with extradition from Spain. The rape took place in the doorway of the woman’s home, and the victim was hit hard twice in the face as the rape was carried out. Finally the British victim tricked her attacker by inviting him to her room to continue the relations, managing to get inside and lock the door to escape. Hermán Jesús told the court on Thursday that all he wants to do is forget the episode. He said that he has made the most of the time he has been held on remand by doing courses on cooking, computing and other subjects. He accepted the sentence telling the court – ‘I am no delinquent, and all I want to do is forget this and spend every minute with my family’.

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