El matador de toros Paco Ureña ha conseguido los premios al Triunfador y a la Mejor Faena de la Feria Taurina de Lorca, celebrada los días 19 y 25 de septiembre, mientras que el trofeo al Novillero Revelación ha sido para Alberto López Simón.El jurado, ha concedido el premio al Mejor Toro a “Milanés”, de la ganadería de Victorino Martín, lidiado en segundo lugar en la corrida del día 25 por el diestro Antonio Ferrera.
Ureña, que actuó dos tardes y cortó cuatro orejas, ha sido considerado el Triunfador del Certamen, mientras que el premio a la Mejor Faena lo ha conseguido por la realizada al sexto toro de Victorino Martín.
Los premios serán entregados en el transcurso de una cena en la que se rendirá homenaje a José Ortega Cano y al aficionado lorquino Alonso Comas.
La Casa Chopera desembarcará en el Coso de Los Califas de Córdoba.
Para esta tarde esta previsto que la Sociedad Propietaria de la Plaza de Toros de Córdoba, de a conocer que empresa regirá el Coso de Los Califas los próximos años. Tras anunciar la anterior empresa, Taurotoro, su intención de no continuar con la explotación de la plaza, la propiedad nombró una comisión que ha trabajado en los ultimos días con intensidad para cerrar los más rápido posible el futuro gestor del coso.
Todo parece indicar, como se publica hoy en la prensa local, que será la casa Chopera quien finalmente regente la plaza cordobesa. Al día de ayer, según manifestó Oscar Chopera al diario El Día de Córdoba, el acuerdo estaba próximo a cerrarse aunque quedaban pendientes algunos flecos, los cuales deben quedar solventados antes de las cinco de hoy, cuando está anunciada la rueda de prensa.
Todo parece indicar, como se publica hoy en la prensa local, que será la casa Chopera quien finalmente regente la plaza cordobesa. Al día de ayer, según manifestó Oscar Chopera al diario El Día de Córdoba, el acuerdo estaba próximo a cerrarse aunque quedaban pendientes algunos flecos, los cuales deben quedar solventados antes de las cinco de hoy, cuando está anunciada la rueda de prensa.
Reunión de la Mesa del Toro con la presidenta de la Comisión de Control de RTVE.
La Mesa del Toro, representada por Cayetano Rivera Ordóñez, Carlos Núñez, Eduardo Martín Peñato y Juan José Rueda; han mantenido una reunión con la presidenta del la comisión de control de Radio Televisión Española.
En dicha reunión, han exigido que RTVE ofrezca una información completa y diaria de la fiesta de los toros. Además han propuesto la vuelta de las retransmisiones de corridas de toros, vetadas en TVE, desde final de 2006, cuando la cadena ofreció en directo un festejo de la feria del Pilar de Zaragoza. Para ello, los toreros han propuesto no cobrar sus derechos de imagen, para abaratar los costes de las trasmisiones. Aunque esta propuesta, esta todavía en estudio. Esta propuesta entraría en vigor, si el ente publico se comprometiera a volver a dar, al menos, tres festejos ( a mí me parecen insuficientes), debiendo ser uno la tradicional corrida de la Beneficencia de Madrid.
El partido de la oposición, PP, a raíz de lo expuesto, presentará antes del 15 de noviembre y debatirá el día 30 una proposición no de ley para instar al Gobierno a que se difunda y fomente la Fiesta en Radio Televisión.
Demos un voto de confianza a la mesa del toro. Seria un placer volver a ver toros en TVE. Pero todos sabemos que es muy difícil. Si llegará a pasar, deberían exigir también la renovación completa del equipo de toros de Tve. Federico y Cía han hecho lo que han podido, pero el formato de Tendido Cero, esta caduco. Hace falta un programa para llegar y llevar a todas las edades, a comprender la fiesta y a querer al toro bravo.
En dicha reunión, han exigido que RTVE ofrezca una información completa y diaria de la fiesta de los toros. Además han propuesto la vuelta de las retransmisiones de corridas de toros, vetadas en TVE, desde final de 2006, cuando la cadena ofreció en directo un festejo de la feria del Pilar de Zaragoza. Para ello, los toreros han propuesto no cobrar sus derechos de imagen, para abaratar los costes de las trasmisiones. Aunque esta propuesta, esta todavía en estudio. Esta propuesta entraría en vigor, si el ente publico se comprometiera a volver a dar, al menos, tres festejos ( a mí me parecen insuficientes), debiendo ser uno la tradicional corrida de la Beneficencia de Madrid.
El partido de la oposición, PP, a raíz de lo expuesto, presentará antes del 15 de noviembre y debatirá el día 30 una proposición no de ley para instar al Gobierno a que se difunda y fomente la Fiesta en Radio Televisión.
Demos un voto de confianza a la mesa del toro. Seria un placer volver a ver toros en TVE. Pero todos sabemos que es muy difícil. Si llegará a pasar, deberían exigir también la renovación completa del equipo de toros de Tve. Federico y Cía han hecho lo que han podido, pero el formato de Tendido Cero, esta caduco. Hace falta un programa para llegar y llevar a todas las edades, a comprender la fiesta y a querer al toro bravo.
Recordando a Pepín Jiménez....
Foquero & Pepín Jiménez
Cargado por LcbTV. - Mira videos web originales.
Pepín Jiménez con el toro "Foquero" (10/92 y 580 kilos), de Guardiola Fantoni, en la Feria de San Isidro de 1997. Un buen toro, al que se aplaudió en el arrastre, y una buena faena del diestro de Lorca, malograda con la espada, que recibió un pitonazo en la mano al entrar a matar.
Añoranza del torero de oro de la ciudad de Lorca.
Va por ti Jesús, compañero de Tendido 3, de Sutullena.
Murcia todavía no cierra la temporada 2010.
La crisis económica generalizada y, en especial, la que sufre el sector taurino ha obligado a reducir a un festejo el certamen de novilladas sin picadores "Manuel Cascales Hilla", que tradicionalmente está formado por tres festejos de selección y la final.
En la presentación, celebrada hoy en el Club Taurino de Murcia, su creador, Manuel Cascales Gálvez, ha indicado que la novillada se celebrará el 7 de noviembre, a las 12:00 horas, con un cartel que estará formado por Alfredo Bernabéu, de Alicante; Esteban Pérez "El Cuco", de Cartagena (Murcia), Juan Reyes, de Úbeda (Jaén), Ferrater Beca, de Sevilla, y Curro de la Casa, de Guadalajara.
Los espadas lidiarán un encierro de la ganadería de Santiago Domecq.
Cascales Gálvez ha manifestado que pese a la situación económica adversa ha querido mantener el certamen, que puso en marcha hace siete años en memoria de su padre.
Igualmente, se mantienen los tres premios en juego, consistentes en un traje de luces, costeado por la empresa "Obras y Sistemas Risueño", y un capote de paseo y un lote compuesto por capote, muleta y estoque, donados, respectivamente, por el Museo Taurino y la firma "Magasegur".
Ha adelantado, finalmente, que el ocho de noviembre abrirá sus puertas la Escuela Taurina de la Fundación Manuel Cascales, que tendrá su sede en la plaza de toros de Los Felices, donde se desarrollará el certamen, y que está situada en las inmediaciones de la pedanía murciana de Javalí Viejo.
La Fundación se volcará no sólo en la puesta en marcha de la escuela, sino, también, en la organización de diversas actividades culturales.
Por otra parte, la pedanía lorquina de Almendricos, celebrará el 13 de noviembre un festival taurino mixto. En el actuarán el matador de toros, Julio Benitez "El Cordobes", el novillero de Lorca, Miguel Ángel Moreno y un rejoneador sustituto de la rejoneadora Noelia Mota, que afortunadamente se esta recuperando de su gravisimo percance. En este festejo se lidiarán novillos de Madroñiz.
En la presentación, celebrada hoy en el Club Taurino de Murcia, su creador, Manuel Cascales Gálvez, ha indicado que la novillada se celebrará el 7 de noviembre, a las 12:00 horas, con un cartel que estará formado por Alfredo Bernabéu, de Alicante; Esteban Pérez "El Cuco", de Cartagena (Murcia), Juan Reyes, de Úbeda (Jaén), Ferrater Beca, de Sevilla, y Curro de la Casa, de Guadalajara.
Los espadas lidiarán un encierro de la ganadería de Santiago Domecq.
Cascales Gálvez ha manifestado que pese a la situación económica adversa ha querido mantener el certamen, que puso en marcha hace siete años en memoria de su padre.
Igualmente, se mantienen los tres premios en juego, consistentes en un traje de luces, costeado por la empresa "Obras y Sistemas Risueño", y un capote de paseo y un lote compuesto por capote, muleta y estoque, donados, respectivamente, por el Museo Taurino y la firma "Magasegur".
Ha adelantado, finalmente, que el ocho de noviembre abrirá sus puertas la Escuela Taurina de la Fundación Manuel Cascales, que tendrá su sede en la plaza de toros de Los Felices, donde se desarrollará el certamen, y que está situada en las inmediaciones de la pedanía murciana de Javalí Viejo.
La Fundación se volcará no sólo en la puesta en marcha de la escuela, sino, también, en la organización de diversas actividades culturales.
Por otra parte, la pedanía lorquina de Almendricos, celebrará el 13 de noviembre un festival taurino mixto. En el actuarán el matador de toros, Julio Benitez "El Cordobes", el novillero de Lorca, Miguel Ángel Moreno y un rejoneador sustituto de la rejoneadora Noelia Mota, que afortunadamente se esta recuperando de su gravisimo percance. En este festejo se lidiarán novillos de Madroñiz.
Cerrados dos nuevos apoderamientos.
Leandro ha decidido quien dirigirá su carrera a partir de la próxima temporada. La Casa Chopera ha sido la elegida por el torero vallisoletano para que sea la encargada de cerrarle contratos para 2011.
Lo mismo hará Marcos Sánchez Mejías, que tras desvincularse de la empresa Taurotoro, pasará a ser nuevo apoderado de Manuel Díaz "El Cordobes".
Lo mismo hará Marcos Sánchez Mejías, que tras desvincularse de la empresa Taurotoro, pasará a ser nuevo apoderado de Manuel Díaz "El Cordobes".
Granada parece que encuentra empresario.
Tras la marcha de la empresa Taurotoro, de la plaza de toros de Granada, han sido muchas las ofertas que ha recibido la propiedad del Coso para quedarse con su gestión. Pues bien, todo parece indicar que la "Casa Matilla" con Antonio a la cabeza, será la próxima empresa en desembarcar en la Monumental de Frascuelo.
¿Estará "El Fandi" detrás de todo esto?
¿Estará "El Fandi" detrás de todo esto?
Cumbre toreros vs empresarios. ¿Y solo les ha dado para una tarde?
Un grupo de toreros compuesto por José María Manzanares, El Juli, Cayetano, Alejandro Talavante, Miguel Ángel Perera y El Cid se reunieron ayer tarde en el Hotel Wellington de Madrid con una representación de los empresarios taurinos capitaneada por Simón Casas, Eduardo Canorea, José Antonio Martínez Uranga y su hijo Manuel Martínez Erice, Antonio Matilla, Óscar Chopera y José Luis Lozano.
En el encuentro se analizaron tres puntos fundamentales: el paso del toreo del Ministerio del Interior al de Cultura, la necesaria potenciación de la Mesa del Toro como organismo que aglutine los intereses de todo el sector y la conveniencia de lograr la declaración de la Fiesta como Bien de Interés Cultural.
Para hoy miércoles está previsto que los toreros se reúnan con directivos de RTVE para tratar de potenciar la emisión de más espacios taurinos en la televisión pública.
Si se dan cuenta, solo han hablado de tres asuntos. El toreo tiene más problemas que dan para más de una tarde. Habrán sacado a la luz bajar el precio de las entradas (Imaginense la cara de Canorea), potenciar en las plazas la juventud en el tendido, contratar y torear ganaderías encastadas y desechar la burra bobalicona, no pagar canones de arrendamiento que son la muerte para las plazas, véase Córdoba o Algeciras..............
¿Y solo les ha dado para una tarde?
En el encuentro se analizaron tres puntos fundamentales: el paso del toreo del Ministerio del Interior al de Cultura, la necesaria potenciación de la Mesa del Toro como organismo que aglutine los intereses de todo el sector y la conveniencia de lograr la declaración de la Fiesta como Bien de Interés Cultural.
Para hoy miércoles está previsto que los toreros se reúnan con directivos de RTVE para tratar de potenciar la emisión de más espacios taurinos en la televisión pública.
Si se dan cuenta, solo han hablado de tres asuntos. El toreo tiene más problemas que dan para más de una tarde. Habrán sacado a la luz bajar el precio de las entradas (Imaginense la cara de Canorea), potenciar en las plazas la juventud en el tendido, contratar y torear ganaderías encastadas y desechar la burra bobalicona, no pagar canones de arrendamiento que son la muerte para las plazas, véase Córdoba o Algeciras..............
¿Y solo les ha dado para una tarde?
Yachters do of course have the freedom to go wherever they like, but our preference would be that they go somewhere else.
"Yachters do of course have the freedom to go wherever they like, but our preference would be that they go somewhere else."
The anti-piracy force's stance is disputed by the yachters who joined the convoys, who are upset that the naval ships are not willing to provide them an escort through the danger zone.
"I do not see why they are mandated to protect commercial vessels, but not the taxpaying yachtsman," said Tom Sampson, a retired RAF officer, who writes in the latest edition of Yachting Monthly about his role organising a convoy last spring.
"Yes, of course going through that region is dangerous. But as a circumnavigating yachtsman we are always being faced with dangers of one sort or another all the time. You can go overboard in a storm, fall ill at sea, suffer a breakdown or whatever."
Mr Sampson, who sails with his partner, Nicolette Knoop, supervised a convoy of some 27 yachts from 17 nations, whose crews included women and an elderly couple.
Prior to setting off from the port of Salalah in Oman, he drilled them in techniques for formation sailing in groups of six, each with a military-style code name and a sub-commander. All participants had to be able to complete the entire journey without refuelling and, to avoid the attention of pirates, they kept lighting and radio use to a minimum.
However, he admitted that some in the convoy found the journey "frightening". At one point, sailors listened anxiously to the radio as reports came in of pirates attacking a commercial vessel just 30 miles away, and on several occasions they watched in terror as suspicious-looking vessels approached them.
In another account of the journey given in last month's Cruising World, one yachtsman wrote: "We watched with dread as a large, rusty fishing boat slowly revealed itself in the morning mist... it was exactly what we hoped to never see."
He described the panic when a skiff set off from the fishing vessel and headed for one yacht at high speed, scattering the convoy immediately. It turned out to be a group of fishermen begging for cigarettes, but the incident showed how nerve-wracking the voyage was.
Critics believe it was as much by luck as judgement that disaster did not strike.
"There is no safe place anywhere in the Gulf of Aden," said one kidnap and ransom expert who has dealt with more than 20 piracy cases in the area. "These people are playing a dangerous game."
The anti-piracy force's stance is disputed by the yachters who joined the convoys, who are upset that the naval ships are not willing to provide them an escort through the danger zone.
"I do not see why they are mandated to protect commercial vessels, but not the taxpaying yachtsman," said Tom Sampson, a retired RAF officer, who writes in the latest edition of Yachting Monthly about his role organising a convoy last spring.
"Yes, of course going through that region is dangerous. But as a circumnavigating yachtsman we are always being faced with dangers of one sort or another all the time. You can go overboard in a storm, fall ill at sea, suffer a breakdown or whatever."
Mr Sampson, who sails with his partner, Nicolette Knoop, supervised a convoy of some 27 yachts from 17 nations, whose crews included women and an elderly couple.
Prior to setting off from the port of Salalah in Oman, he drilled them in techniques for formation sailing in groups of six, each with a military-style code name and a sub-commander. All participants had to be able to complete the entire journey without refuelling and, to avoid the attention of pirates, they kept lighting and radio use to a minimum.
However, he admitted that some in the convoy found the journey "frightening". At one point, sailors listened anxiously to the radio as reports came in of pirates attacking a commercial vessel just 30 miles away, and on several occasions they watched in terror as suspicious-looking vessels approached them.
In another account of the journey given in last month's Cruising World, one yachtsman wrote: "We watched with dread as a large, rusty fishing boat slowly revealed itself in the morning mist... it was exactly what we hoped to never see."
He described the panic when a skiff set off from the fishing vessel and headed for one yacht at high speed, scattering the convoy immediately. It turned out to be a group of fishermen begging for cigarettes, but the incident showed how nerve-wracking the voyage was.
Critics believe it was as much by luck as judgement that disaster did not strike.
"There is no safe place anywhere in the Gulf of Aden," said one kidnap and ransom expert who has dealt with more than 20 piracy cases in the area. "These people are playing a dangerous game."
Six persons have been arrested by the police after being found in possession of drugs at a party in Ta’ Qali
Six persons have been arrested by the police after being found in possession of drugs at a party in Ta’ Qali last night.
Another three were arrested during a raid in Kalkara.
The arrests at Ta’ Qali were made during searches at a night club. The police said the Drug Squad arrested men and women aged between 17 and 27.
They were in possession of cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis.
At Kalkara, two men from that locality and another from Vittoriosa, aged between 22 and 24, were arrested as part of an investigation into drug abuse in the Cottonera area. The three were found in possession of Cannabis.
Arraignments are expected in the coming days.
Another three were arrested during a raid in Kalkara.
The arrests at Ta’ Qali were made during searches at a night club. The police said the Drug Squad arrested men and women aged between 17 and 27.
They were in possession of cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis.
At Kalkara, two men from that locality and another from Vittoriosa, aged between 22 and 24, were arrested as part of an investigation into drug abuse in the Cottonera area. The three were found in possession of Cannabis.
Arraignments are expected in the coming days.
Six persons have been arrested by the police after being found in possession of drugs at a party in Ta’ Qali
Six persons have been arrested by the police after being found in possession of drugs at a party in Ta’ Qali last night.
Another three were arrested during a raid in Kalkara.
The arrests at Ta’ Qali were made during searches at a night club. The police said the Drug Squad arrested men and women aged between 17 and 27.
They were in possession of cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis.
At Kalkara, two men from that locality and another from Vittoriosa, aged between 22 and 24, were arrested as part of an investigation into drug abuse in the Cottonera area. The three were found in possession of Cannabis.
Arraignments are expected in the coming days.
Another three were arrested during a raid in Kalkara.
The arrests at Ta’ Qali were made during searches at a night club. The police said the Drug Squad arrested men and women aged between 17 and 27.
They were in possession of cocaine, ecstasy and cannabis.
At Kalkara, two men from that locality and another from Vittoriosa, aged between 22 and 24, were arrested as part of an investigation into drug abuse in the Cottonera area. The three were found in possession of Cannabis.
Arraignments are expected in the coming days.
Gerlandino Messina was arrested in the Sicilian town of Favara.
Italian police have arrested an alleged top mafia boss who has been on the run for more than ten years. Gerlandino Messina was arrested in the Sicilian town of Favara.
A suspect in several murder cases, Messina is widely considered to be the Sicilian Mafia's second-in-command and as such has long been one of Italy's most wanted fugitives.
A suspect in several murder cases, Messina is widely considered to be the Sicilian Mafia's second-in-command and as such has long been one of Italy's most wanted fugitives.
La herencia de Manolo Vázquez.
Con sólo 1o años Manolo, nieto del maestro Manolo Vázquez, se ha puesto por primera vez delante de una becerrita en la finca de su abuelo.
Luego pasará lo que tenga que pasar, pero queda claro, que por sus venas corre sangre torera.
Fotos: Pepe Sánchez.
DOLORES AGUIRRE lidiará en la Maestranza en 2011.
La ganadería de Dolores Aguirre Ibarra ha sido contratada para estar en el elenco ganadero de la temporada taurina de la Real Maestranza de Sevilla para el año 2011. Al ser un hierro "torista", todo indica que se lidiará en la primera parte de la prefería de la Feria de Abril.
Además Torrestrella, "El Pilar", "El Ventorrillo", Torrealta, Alcurrucen y Conde de la Maza han sido contratadas.
Estos días la empresa Pagés quiere rematar el tema toros para la próxima temporada, donde también podrían entrar Gracigrande, Victorino Martín, Miura y Cuadri. Bajas seguras serán las ganaderías de Palha y Zalduendo.
Además Torrestrella, "El Pilar", "El Ventorrillo", Torrealta, Alcurrucen y Conde de la Maza han sido contratadas.
Estos días la empresa Pagés quiere rematar el tema toros para la próxima temporada, donde también podrían entrar Gracigrande, Victorino Martín, Miura y Cuadri. Bajas seguras serán las ganaderías de Palha y Zalduendo.
Espartinas sede del primer encuentro de peñas y aficionados taurinos.
La ciudad de Espartinas (Sevilla) realizara el primer encuentro de peñas y aficionados taurinos.
Se relizará el puente de la Inmaculada e incluye una corrida de toros mixta, una novillada sin picadores y diversos actos más. (Pinche las imagenes para más información).
Reservas en: 959440017 y reservas@granhotelelcoto.com
Precio: 230€
Se relizará el puente de la Inmaculada e incluye una corrida de toros mixta, una novillada sin picadores y diversos actos más. (Pinche las imagenes para más información).
Reservas en: 959440017 y reservas@granhotelelcoto.com
Precio: 230€
Los tres venenos de la fiesta.
Es una información de nuestro compañero Pablo García Mancha. A mi me ha sorprendido. Victorino Martín va a enfundar los pitones de sus toros.
No estoy convencido de esta practica, y de momento no me voy a dejar convencer. Me parece que enfundar los toros es un fraude en toda regla. Implica meter al toro dos veces en el cajón de curas, manosearlo, y escayolar sus defensas. Los toros pierden sensibilidad en la parte enfundada, como nosotros cuando tenemos una rotura y nos escayolan. Además el pitón no respira y lo hace más frágil. Por eso se rompen los toros ahora tanto los pitones o simplemente con rematar en el burladero, se abren como una flor. El toro manoseado de estos días nos esta llevando a la perdición. Jamás al toro se le ha tocado tanto como hasta hoy. Menos mal que todavía queda gente sería, como Cuadri, una de las ganaderías que más se pega en el campo. Le vendrían de maravilla las fundas para evitar bajas, pero Fernando Cuadri no se las pone, el esta en contra de manosear tanto al toro. Su ganadería sale buena y mala pero no bobalicona y fraudulenta, como otras que sufren flojedad, fraude y descastamiento. Los tres venenos de la fiesta.
No estoy convencido de esta practica, y de momento no me voy a dejar convencer. Me parece que enfundar los toros es un fraude en toda regla. Implica meter al toro dos veces en el cajón de curas, manosearlo, y escayolar sus defensas. Los toros pierden sensibilidad en la parte enfundada, como nosotros cuando tenemos una rotura y nos escayolan. Además el pitón no respira y lo hace más frágil. Por eso se rompen los toros ahora tanto los pitones o simplemente con rematar en el burladero, se abren como una flor. El toro manoseado de estos días nos esta llevando a la perdición. Jamás al toro se le ha tocado tanto como hasta hoy. Menos mal que todavía queda gente sería, como Cuadri, una de las ganaderías que más se pega en el campo. Le vendrían de maravilla las fundas para evitar bajas, pero Fernando Cuadri no se las pone, el esta en contra de manosear tanto al toro. Su ganadería sale buena y mala pero no bobalicona y fraudulenta, como otras que sufren flojedad, fraude y descastamiento. Los tres venenos de la fiesta.
Police Fear Biker War in Germany: Hells Angels vs. Bremen Mongols - ABC News
Police Fear Biker War in Germany: Hells Angels vs. Bremen Mongols - ABC News: "Members of a notorious Kurdish clan in Bremen have founded a new chapter of the Mongols motorcycle club and are challenging the Hells Angels in the city. The police fear a new biker war may be just around the corner.
The last movement in the life of novice motorcyclist Mustafa B. was a twist of his right hand. His red Honda Fireblade, which had a 178-horsepower engine and a top speed of 290 km/h (180 mph), accelerated with a roar and shot past the cars. Seconds later, the biker smashed into a tree. He died at the scene of the accident, a four-lane street in the northwestern German city of Bremen. A statement later issued by the police blandly stated that 'no third party was to blame.'"
The last movement in the life of novice motorcyclist Mustafa B. was a twist of his right hand. His red Honda Fireblade, which had a 178-horsepower engine and a top speed of 290 km/h (180 mph), accelerated with a roar and shot past the cars. Seconds later, the biker smashed into a tree. He died at the scene of the accident, a four-lane street in the northwestern German city of Bremen. A statement later issued by the police blandly stated that 'no third party was to blame.'"
court to question Connery in his home.

Sean Connery has failed to show up in a Spanish court, where he was set to testify in a money laundering case, Perez Hilton reports.
Connery and his wife Micheline purchased an $8.4 million home in Marbella in 1999; however, they apparently did not pay $2 million to the local authority. The home was demolished, and a 72-apartment complex was put in its place. The Connerys did not have permission to put these condos up, and they have generated a $72 million profit.
Connery was supposed to take the stand, but submitted a written statement that he would not be appearing in court due to health reasons. A court worker said that he “cited health reasons and his advanced age and said he has not been able to prepare the journey in time.” The court worker also said that the court may have to question Connery in his home.
Sir Sean sold his Costa Del Sol property, it was later redeveloped into a four-storey block of apartments, made up of 70 holiday homes

former Bond star has been summoned to court following an investigation into the sale for of his beachside property over ten years ago.
The property in question was sold in 1999 for £5.5 million.
Sean Connery and his wife, French artist Micheline Roquebrune, were called to the hearing set to take place on October 15 in Marbella. However, the Hollywood A-lister refused to attend due to his age and ill-health, reported the Telegraph newspaper.
The couple were asked to be present at the ‘Goldfinger’ case, in which the magistrates are investigating allegations of tax evasion and money laundering, to give evidence on the land they once had a home on.
After Sir Sean sold his Costa Del Sol property, it was later redeveloped into a four-storey block of apartments, made up of 70 holiday homes, which sold for an estimated £45 million.
Although the former 007 star and his wife have not been charged with an offence, investigators claim there were irregularities in the reclassification of the land after it was sold.
Police have since raided the offices of the actor’s law firm Diaz-Basten & Truan and several local council officials are also being investigated.
A court worker, speaking to The Daily Mail on the day of the hearing said: “Mr Connery has informed the court in writing he won't be coming today. He has cited health reasons and his advanced age and said he has not been able to prepare the journey in time.
“The court is now considering its next move. The emission of an international arrest warrant is a possibility but a remote one. The most likely scenario is that the investigating magistrate will make a formal request through a rogatory commission to question Sir Sean at his home.”
Sean and his wife bought the house after marrying in 1975 and entertained a host of stars there, including Richard Burton, Michael Caine, Omar Shariff and George Best.
They have both denied any involvement in the money laundering case and have threatened legal action after being linked to the court proceedings.
TIMESHARE arrested 4 British Nationals allegedly behind the companies, including one individual who had been sought by Interpol.
police in Spain have closed down 9 companies in Benalmadena, Costa del Sol and have arrested 4 British Nationals allegedly behind the companies, including one individual who had been sought by Interpol.
Members of the public who believe they may have been defrauded by any of these companies should contact RDO’s enforcement team on enforcement@rdo.org as a matter of urgency. The enforcement team, which is headed up by a former Spanish police inspector, works closely with the authorities in Spain to protect timeshare owners and to help bring fraudulent operators to justice.
The companies that have been closed down are:
Members of the public who believe they may have been defrauded by any of these companies should contact RDO’s enforcement team on enforcement@rdo.org as a matter of urgency. The enforcement team, which is headed up by a former Spanish police inspector, works closely with the authorities in Spain to protect timeshare owners and to help bring fraudulent operators to justice.
The companies that have been closed down are:
Morocco says Dismantled International Drug Trafficking Ring Linked to Terrorists | North Africa | English
Morocco says Dismantled International Drug Trafficking Ring Linked to Terrorists | North Africa | English: "Moroccan government is calling for regional action in the face of growing collaboration between drug traffickers and terrorists in the Sahel.
Morocco's Interior Ministry confirmed Friday in Rabat that police had arrested 34 members of an international drug trafficking ring that had ties to the terrorist group, al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb.
Authorities said the traffickers, who also had links to South American drug cartels, were transporting cocaine and marijuana from South America to Europe, via North Africa.
Morocco Interior Minister Taieb Cherqaoui said with these arrests there is now, what he called, 'an apparent coordination and confirmed collaboration' between drug traffickers and al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb in the region.
Cherqaoui says the terrorists are searching for ways to finance their terrorist activities. To make money, he says terrorist groups are using their knowledge of desert routes, their weapons and their means of transportation to protect drug dealers moving through the Sahel region."
Morocco's Interior Ministry confirmed Friday in Rabat that police had arrested 34 members of an international drug trafficking ring that had ties to the terrorist group, al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb.
Authorities said the traffickers, who also had links to South American drug cartels, were transporting cocaine and marijuana from South America to Europe, via North Africa.
Morocco Interior Minister Taieb Cherqaoui said with these arrests there is now, what he called, 'an apparent coordination and confirmed collaboration' between drug traffickers and al-Qaida of the Islamic Maghreb in the region.
Cherqaoui says the terrorists are searching for ways to finance their terrorist activities. To make money, he says terrorist groups are using their knowledge of desert routes, their weapons and their means of transportation to protect drug dealers moving through the Sahel region."
Triple homicide in Tarragona flat
Triple homicide in Tarragona flat: "bodies of two young children were found last night in a flat inTarragona, where police had earlier found the body of a 26-year-old woman of North Africa origin, in an advanced state of decomposition and with signs of violence.
Although the bodies have not yet been identified, everything suggests that they are her children. The woman's husband, and prime suspect, is missing.
Neighbours alerted the emergency services last night after detecting a strong smell coming from the flat in Carrer Reial in the port area of Tarragona.
Firefighters entered the flat through a window and found the woman's body in the bathtub, covered with plaster or quicklime.
They also found the bodies of two children, aged in the region 3 and 5 years, although sources have refused to either confirm or disclaim that they were hidden backside a wall or buried in some way inside the apartment."
Although the bodies have not yet been identified, everything suggests that they are her children. The woman's husband, and prime suspect, is missing.
Neighbours alerted the emergency services last night after detecting a strong smell coming from the flat in Carrer Reial in the port area of Tarragona.
Firefighters entered the flat through a window and found the woman's body in the bathtub, covered with plaster or quicklime.
They also found the bodies of two children, aged in the region 3 and 5 years, although sources have refused to either confirm or disclaim that they were hidden backside a wall or buried in some way inside the apartment."
Barcelona jeweller dies after shop stabbing
Barcelona jeweller dies after shop stabbing: "owner of a jewellery shop on the Rambla Guipúscoa in the Sant Martí district of Barcelona has perished hospitalised today as a result of stab wounds he received during a robbery.
The Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalunya's regional police force) are working on the hypothesis that he was stabbed after resisting an attempt to steal jewellery from his shop.
The police have not released the identity of the victim or the premises where The attack took place.
An eye-witness claimed to see two men escaping on a motorbike shortly after The attack and police officers are following up leads."
The Mossos d'Esquadra (Catalunya's regional police force) are working on the hypothesis that he was stabbed after resisting an attempt to steal jewellery from his shop.
The police have not released the identity of the victim or the premises where The attack took place.
An eye-witness claimed to see two men escaping on a motorbike shortly after The attack and police officers are following up leads."
13 Brits held in Spanish drugs bust - mirror.co.uk
13 Brits held in Spanish drugs bust - mirror.co.uk: "Thirteen Brits suspected of running a drug ring have been arrested in Spain, police announced yesterday.
Nine men and four women were held as part of a probe into the drug trade on the Costa Blanca and Ibiza.
Police seized 53,000 ecstasy pills, 100 cannabis plants, cocaine, vehicles, mobile phones and cash.
One man was arrested as he tried to smuggle thousands of ecstasy pills from the port of Denia to suppliers in Ibiza hidden in the doors of a car, police said."
Nine men and four women were held as part of a probe into the drug trade on the Costa Blanca and Ibiza.
Police seized 53,000 ecstasy pills, 100 cannabis plants, cocaine, vehicles, mobile phones and cash.
One man was arrested as he tried to smuggle thousands of ecstasy pills from the port of Denia to suppliers in Ibiza hidden in the doors of a car, police said."
- RBA's credibility questioned as police raid subsidiary 07/10/2010
The World Today - RBA's credibility questioned as police raid subsidiary 07/10/2010: "Australian Federal Police raided six houses in Melbourne - and there were also raids in Spain and the UK - over allegations that a subsidiary of the Reserve Bank bribed overseas officials.
No one from the Reserve Bank is commenting and nor is anyone from its currency subsidiary, Securency International.
But here's Simon Lauder with the latest.
SIMON LAUDER: It's illegal for an Australian company to bribe overseas officials and the penalties can be 10 years in jail or fines of $66,000 for each breach.
It's exactly the crime which is alleged to have been perpetrated by Securency International - the Melbourne based company which was set up by the Reserve bank to sell its polymer banknote technology to the world."
No one from the Reserve Bank is commenting and nor is anyone from its currency subsidiary, Securency International.
But here's Simon Lauder with the latest.
SIMON LAUDER: It's illegal for an Australian company to bribe overseas officials and the penalties can be 10 years in jail or fines of $66,000 for each breach.
It's exactly the crime which is alleged to have been perpetrated by Securency International - the Melbourne based company which was set up by the Reserve bank to sell its polymer banknote technology to the world."
dramatic rise in violent attacks on small town mayors
Sardinia's mayors attacked as recession-hit citizens vent their anger | World news | The Guardian: "dramatic rise in violent attacks on small town mayors in Sardinia has been linked to soaring job losses due to factory closures and the slump in sheep farming on the island.
Mayor Gian Paolo Marras of Ottana, in central Sardinia, has resigned after a social services office was bombed and a shotgun fired at his home, narrowly missing his newborn son. Days later, the car belonging to a council official in the town of Siniscola was burned out and a horse belonging to the mayor of nearby Illorai was found shot dead with its ears and tongue cut off."
Mayor Gian Paolo Marras of Ottana, in central Sardinia, has resigned after a social services office was bombed and a shotgun fired at his home, narrowly missing his newborn son. Days later, the car belonging to a council official in the town of Siniscola was burned out and a horse belonging to the mayor of nearby Illorai was found shot dead with its ears and tongue cut off."
'Shotguns, Bally's (balaclavas) we're all ready to play, Sicko Armed Robbers, it's Giro Day
The fugitive ex of Wayne Rooney's hooker was nicked in Spain. | News Of The World: "'Shotguns, Bally's (balaclavas) we're all ready to play, Sicko Armed Robbers, it's Giro Day.' Another went: 'Everyone stand up, walk slowly to the door, Hit 'em boys, three of them fell dead to the floor.'
The thugs used a variety of weapons to threaten their victims, including axes, hammers, metal bars and monkey wrenches.
Smith has a previous conviction for manslaughter following the beating of a Manchester doorman. The villains were caught in Spain after the Serious Organised Crime Agency, Spanish authorities and Greater Manchester Police worked together for four months.
Both were wanted on European Arrest Warrants. Jones is wanted in connection with arson and driving while disqualified, Smith for conspiracy to commit arson and escape from lawful custody.
The pair will be brought back to the UK to face justice once they have faced charges in Spain."
The thugs used a variety of weapons to threaten their victims, including axes, hammers, metal bars and monkey wrenches.
Smith has a previous conviction for manslaughter following the beating of a Manchester doorman. The villains were caught in Spain after the Serious Organised Crime Agency, Spanish authorities and Greater Manchester Police worked together for four months.
Both were wanted on European Arrest Warrants. Jones is wanted in connection with arson and driving while disqualified, Smith for conspiracy to commit arson and escape from lawful custody.
The pair will be brought back to the UK to face justice once they have faced charges in Spain."
arrested as he tried to traffic 53,000 pills, believed to be ecstasy, from the port of Denia, on the Costa Blanca to Ibiza
Liverpool Echo - News - Liverpool Local News - Liverpool drug dealing gang “dismantled” in Spain: "thirteenth member of the group had been previously arrested as he tried to traffic 53,000 pills, believed to be ecstasy, from the port of Denia, on the Costa Blanca to Ibiza, stashed in the doors of a blacked out Audi saloon.
The gang were detained as part of Operation Zumo in the Torrevieja area of the Costa Blanca.
Around 100 cannabis plants, growing equipment and quantities of cocaine and cannabis were all taken by the Guardia Civil as evidence.
SOCA said the gang’s network had now been “dismantled”, and warned international dealers the hunt to get them was on."
The gang were detained as part of Operation Zumo in the Torrevieja area of the Costa Blanca.
Around 100 cannabis plants, growing equipment and quantities of cocaine and cannabis were all taken by the Guardia Civil as evidence.
SOCA said the gang’s network had now been “dismantled”, and warned international dealers the hunt to get them was on."
Liverpool Echo - News - Liverpool Local News - Liverpool drug dealing gang “dismantled” in Spain
Liverpool Echo - News - Liverpool Local News - Liverpool drug dealing gang “dismantled” in Spain: "Merseysiders have been arrested in Spain suspected of flooding the tourist meccas of Ibiza and the Costa Blanca with clubbing drugs.
The eight men and four women, aged between 22 and 74, were senior players in the production, supply and distribution of “designer drugs” like ecstasy and Meow Meow, as well as cocaine and cannabis.
They were arrested by officers from the Guardia Civil – Spain’s military police – who also want to investigate the gang’s alleged money laundering and fraud activities.
The UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency, who provided intelligence and support to the Spanish authorities, told the ECHO the group were a major supplier of several other drug distribution groups operating between the UK and popular Spanish holiday destinations."
The eight men and four women, aged between 22 and 74, were senior players in the production, supply and distribution of “designer drugs” like ecstasy and Meow Meow, as well as cocaine and cannabis.
They were arrested by officers from the Guardia Civil – Spain’s military police – who also want to investigate the gang’s alleged money laundering and fraud activities.
The UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency, who provided intelligence and support to the Spanish authorities, told the ECHO the group were a major supplier of several other drug distribution groups operating between the UK and popular Spanish holiday destinations."
‘Drug’ Brits in Costa bust | The Sun |News
‘Drug’ Brits in Costa bust | The Sun |News: "nine men and four women, all originally from the Liverpool area, are alleged to have sold ecstasy and cannabis on the Costa Blanca and on party island Ibiza.
Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency linked up with Spanish cops as 12 of the gang were nicked in Costa Blanca's Torrevieja area.
Another was arrested in an earlier raid when more than 50,000 ecstasy tablets were seized. Cops also recovered cocaine, cannabis, cash, four vehicles, and a boat."
Britain's Serious Organised Crime Agency linked up with Spanish cops as 12 of the gang were nicked in Costa Blanca's Torrevieja area.
Another was arrested in an earlier raid when more than 50,000 ecstasy tablets were seized. Cops also recovered cocaine, cannabis, cash, four vehicles, and a boat."
BBC News - Man who escaped police van is arrested in Spain
BBC News - Man who escaped police van is arrested in Spain: "man who escaped from the back of a police van when it was ambushed on the way to court in Greater Manchester has been arrested in Spain.
Richard Smith, 29, was charged with conspiracy to commit arson.
He fled after two men held up the van behind Salford Magistrates' Court at 0745 BST on 13 May.
A Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokeswoman confirmed they were aware Mr Smith, of Salford, had been arrested in the Valencia region on Wednesday."
Richard Smith, 29, was charged with conspiracy to commit arson.
He fled after two men held up the van behind Salford Magistrates' Court at 0745 BST on 13 May.
A Foreign and Commonwealth Office spokeswoman confirmed they were aware Mr Smith, of Salford, had been arrested in the Valencia region on Wednesday."
'Two-way merchant' Traynor was working both sides - National News, Frontpage - Independent.ie
'Two-way merchant' Traynor was working both sides - National News, Frontpage - Independent.ie: "detective team who investigated Veronica Guerin's murder in June 1996 tried very hard to find evidence supporting their belief that John Traynor had set the journalist up for assassination. He knew she was to appear in Naas District Court on the morning she was murdered and the detectives believed he had supplied the information to Gilligan and his gang. But there was no evidence on Traynor, now 62, and claiming to be in ill health.
He had ensured he was out of contact with the gang and there was no mobile phone traffic to link him to the plot and its execution. Traynor had overturned the car he was racing around Mondello Park and was in an ambulance on his way to Naas Hospital when the murder was committed.
Gardai were well aware of Traynor long before the murder. He had come to garda attention on many occasions in respect of cheque and other forms of fraud. He had been a known money launderer for 'The General' Martin Cahill's gang before he swapped allegiances to John Gilligan's mob.
While working for Gilligan, he became involved in buying and selling cars, a common way of laundering drugs money. The people who worked with him in the business had no idea where the cash was coming from.
The detective team were also aware that Traynor had been an informant for a number of other detectives in Dublin. His information was often suspect and always self- serving -- he grassed only on criminals with whom he had no financial involvement and who were, effectively, rivals of whoever he was working for."
He had ensured he was out of contact with the gang and there was no mobile phone traffic to link him to the plot and its execution. Traynor had overturned the car he was racing around Mondello Park and was in an ambulance on his way to Naas Hospital when the murder was committed.
Gardai were well aware of Traynor long before the murder. He had come to garda attention on many occasions in respect of cheque and other forms of fraud. He had been a known money launderer for 'The General' Martin Cahill's gang before he swapped allegiances to John Gilligan's mob.
While working for Gilligan, he became involved in buying and selling cars, a common way of laundering drugs money. The people who worked with him in the business had no idea where the cash was coming from.
The detective team were also aware that Traynor had been an informant for a number of other detectives in Dublin. His information was often suspect and always self- serving -- he grassed only on criminals with whom he had no financial involvement and who were, effectively, rivals of whoever he was working for."
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